Friday 30 September 2016

Terry Fox Article

The link above is to an article about Terry Fox that the students wanted to access at home.  Enjoy!

The end of our first month!

Today we did the Terry Fox Run and we used tally marks to add our number of laps.  Our class ran 97.5 laps and we raised $127!!  Thank you so much to all the students who brought in money - and thanks to the awesome volunteers on the run!  This year we ran a new route around William D. Pratt and Royal Oak fields.  It was hard and tiring to run.  Terry Fox ran about 42 Km every day and in 143 days he ran 5373 Km total!  We realize how hard Terry must have worked every day.  We wrote about Terry Fox and what he was trying to do.
From Room 79

Tuesday 27 September 2016

Our Week So Far...

Today we finished exploring the rocks and minerals centres.  Ask me what I learned there!
We are collecting Twoonies for Terry for the run on Friday.  The last day to bring it is Friday!
School picture forms came home today.  Picture day is Oct. 13
We wrote the Literacy part of the SLA.  Ask me what I wrote about.

Monday 26 September 2016

Terry Fox Day

On Friday, September 30th, Royal Oak School and William D. Pratt School will be participating in the Terry Fox Run.  Students will gather on the field between the two schools to take part in the annual 30-minute run, which is scheduled to begin at 10:00am. On this day please ensure that your child is appropriately dressed for the weather (including running shoes).  If the weather is poor, students will walk inside the school during their PE class time.

We are asking that each child donate a “Toonie for Terry” for the Terry Fox Foundation during the week of September 27-30th.  All parents/guardians who are interested in joining their child in this event are more than welcome.

We do require a fair number of volunteers for this event to ensure its success.  If you have security clearance and if you are able to volunteer during the run time, kindly contact our school Volunteer Coordinator at

Thank you for your continued support.

The Terry Fox Run Committee

Family Fun Fair

Royal Oak School Council

You are invited to Royal Oak School’s 1st Annual Family Fun Fair!!
Thursday, September 29th from 5:30pm to 7:30pm
5 food trucks – Spud Mobile, Sugar Cube, Family Freezed Lemonade and Popsicles, Tailgate Grill (items priced between $5 - $10, please bring cash)
Games and prizes!
Meet other ROS families!


Volunteer Reminder

Volunteer Orientation Evening - Tonight

This invitation is for all parents of students who attend Royal Oak School who are interested in volunteering. The volunteer orientation will be on Monday, September 26 at 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.  The purpose of this evening to familiarize you with practices at Royal Oak School and to let you know about all the wonderful opportunities for volunteering within the school. The students’ experiences have been enriched at Royal Oak School because of all the volunteers who have dedicated time in some way to our school. As Mahatma Ghandi said, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the services of others.”  We look forward to seeing you.

Friday 23 September 2016

Parent Pay for Scholastic Orders Online

Using Parent Pay is as Easy as1-2-3! When your child brings home their Reading Club order forms, review them together and pick what you want to order just as you usually do. Then, when you’re ready to pay, go online to:
1. Fill out the form to select your child’s teacher and provide your payment details, including the Parent Pay code found on your order form(s).
2. Provide your billing and credit card information and submit your payment. You can submit a single payment for ALL flyers that have the same Parent Pay code.
3. Record your payment Reference Number on your child’s order form(s) and send them in to school so that your child’s teacher can place your order.

The online Parent Pay site is for making payments only. Your order is not complete until you send in the order form(s) to your child’s teacher and they submit the order to Scholastic. Your order will be delivered to the classroom just like usual.

Thursday 22 September 2016

Week 3

We have been learning about rocks and minerals for Science.  In the Project Space, there are different stations set up and we are visiting these with a group each day.
We have enjoyed working together as a team and a group in Science.
We have finished safety week.  We practiced a fire drill, evacuation, and lock down.  We are ready to deal with emergencies safely, calmly and quietly.
We did a fall painting of leaves using pastels and watercolour paints.  We saw the oil pastels RESIST the watercolour paint.
We had our first fun lunch.  We had pizza and a drink.
We have been working on Base-10 problem solving.  Some students uploaded a picture to IRIS, others will finish Monday.
We wrote poems about our rocks.  Check out our poems outside our classroom.
We finished designing our rocks.

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Rocks and Minerals Websites

Below are some of Rock and Mineral related sites that we will be using during our investigation. You can access these sights at home as well as at school.         


Just a friendly reminder for the following:
 1) Please return your opening package forms if you haven't already done so - or bring with you to the conferences.
2) Scholastic order forms are due tomorrow.
3) All parents are invited to a Parent Volunteer Orientation Evening on Monday, Sept 26 at 6:30 in the Royal Oak Learning Commons.  Come learn about all the opportunities to help in our school.
4) The Scholastic Book Fair is in the Learning Commons during Parent-Teacher Conferences. Check it out!

Monday 19 September 2016


Fun Lunch and Snack Information
Your child brought home a letter today with information about how to order fun lunch and recess snacks.  The first ordering deadline is Tuesday, Sept 20 at night (tomorrow night)!

Evacuation Drill
Royal Oak School will practice an evacuation drill Tuesday morning to William D. Pratt School.  The drill will happen rain or shine, however, students will be permitted to put on their jackets if needed.

Friday 16 September 2016

From the ROS Fundraising Society

Attention parents!  There is a friendly competition going on among classes for the most ADmazing Coupon books sold, and the most students returning orders, which will result in some great classroom prizes.  There will also be individual student prizes awarded, and every book order is an entry!  Please remember that the deadline for orders is Thursday, September 22nd, so send your orders in as soon as possible.  Cheques may be made payable to Royal Oak School Fundraising Society (or ROSFS)!   All orders will be collected and fulfilled by the Fundraising Society and will be sent home with your students within two days!  All questions can be directed to  Have a great weekend, and Happy Selling!

The End of Week 2

Our class talked about the Circle of Courage.  Ask me what it is all about!
Next week is safety week.  We practiced where we will stand in a fire drill.
Today we played math games with our Grade 1 Buddies.
We are learning about Rocks and Minerals in Science.  If you have something related to this, you can bring it in to share with the class.
We are writing poems about rocks like in the book If You Find a Rock.

To all Future Volunteers!

All parents are invited to a Parent Volunteer Orientation Evening on Monday, September 26 at 6:30 p.m. in

Royal Oak School Learning Commons.  Come and learn about all the opportunities there are to help in your child’s school.

Wednesday 14 September 2016


We have been working on a Google Slide to tell "All About Us".  Check this out at home - but don't touch anything on someone else's slide!
We designed and painted our rocks.  The next step will be to add our patterns with sharpie.
Today we visited the Learning Commons.  Students are allowed to sign out 2 books and keep them for up to 2 weeks.
In math we've been building numbers with base-10 blocks.
Scholastic orders are due September 23.
Students have an envelope in their backpacks with forms to be filled in and returned to school as soon as possible.
We had a reminder today not to bring toys to school.

Monday 12 September 2016

From Administration

Hello Students and Parents! 
By now you have all had the ADmazing Saving Ticket Pack order forms come home. Please ask your family, neighbours, relatives, etc if they are interested in purchasing a coupon book. 
We would like all order sheets back in by Sept 22, 2016 at the latest. Cheques can be made payable to: Royal Oak School Fundraising Society or ROSFS 
Thanks and happy selling! 

The ROS Fundraising Society

Sunday 11 September 2016

From Administration

1.  Hug & Go volunteers needed.  Hug & Go was officially up and running this week.  We in are need of volunteers who could help with Hug & Go from 8:30 a.m. to 8:50 a.m.  Ms. Dalton is currently coordinating the September schedule. The commitment could be as little as one day month or more depending on your availability.  If you already have your Police Clearance you can start volunteering right away.  If anyone is interested please contact Ms. Dalton at

2. All parents please ensure you have filled out your volunteer survey for the 2016 – 2017 school year.  This needs to be completed annually so the volunteer coordinator can update the system.  Click on the link below to complete the survey.  

3.  School Council Meeting is on Monday, September 12 @ 7p.m. In the Royal Oak School staffroom.  We welcome all parents to attend.

Friday 9 September 2016

Our First Fri-Yay!

Today we met our little Grade 1 Buddies.  We read to them and they read to us. It was really cool to be the big buddy!
3 pieces of information are coming home today.
New this year - we have gym and music on Fridays.
Ask me how to play Pigs.
We will try to paint our rocks on Monday.

Wednesday 7 September 2016

So Far We Have...

We had a back-to-school assembly where we learned the rules such as the playground schedule and that bussing students need to go straight to the bus line.
Our homework today is to bring in a big rock for a special art project.
Ask me how to play "Digit Place" and "Go Fish Make 10".
Today was our first gym and music class.  We sat in special rows called squads for gym.  In music we played a game singing game called "Apple Tree."

Friday 2 September 2016