Wednesday 26 October 2016

Digital Citizenship Information

Information about Digital Citizenship is coming home today.  Please review the information with your child and sign and return the blue form.  (There was one copy left in the room so someone won't find it - please email me and I'll send it home tomorrow:

Tuesday 25 October 2016

Class Updates!

Today we made a graph with what the class wanted to do with the $75 we won.  Ask me what received the most votes!

In inquiry we learned about the history of Fort McMurray.  It began as a fur trading post where people traded with the First Nations groups that lived there.  The white men only wanted to trade with the men, not the women.  They thought the women were slaves but in fact the women were the ones who were in charge of the furs and trading with other First Nations Groups.

Halloween Dance Forms and the Literacy Night Forms went home last Friday.

Monday 24 October 2016

Pumpkinella and Socktober!

Pumpkinella & Socktober - Will take place on October 31, 2016. Reminder that you can drop off new socks of any size and your jack-o-lantern on Oct.30, 2016 from 2 - 4 pm or on Oct. 31, 2016 from 7am - 8:48am. Did you know that counting the seeds of your pumpkin is a great math activity for your child? Have them estimate how many seeds they think are inside first and then count by 2s, 5s, or 10s to see how many it really had. Talking about their counting strategy and which counting method was most effective in counting all the seeds is a great way to engage your child in mathematical conversation! Happy carving!

Friday 21 October 2016


Happy Weekend everyone!  Your Fundraising Society really appreciates all the work, effort and orders that have come through so far!  Remember to take advantage of this extra weekend to reach out to friends and families to share our awesome fundraiser with them!  Parents are loving the chocolates, the wrapping paper and some of the fun kitchen gadgets!  There is still time to register your child for online sales, and easily share your shopping link through email, facebook, twitter and more!  You can also help friends and neighbours browse through the catalogues and fill out the order forms to pay by cash or cheque (payable to ROS Fundraising Society)!  

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to direct them to, or visit our Facebook page!  Thank you again for all your support in making our great school even better!  

PS. Watch for upcoming news on sweet deals for Calgary Flames tickets!!!  

Thursday 20 October 2016


Good morning everyone, I hope you are having a great week.  I would just like to thank you for your efforts for our fundraising campaign.  I'd like to inform you that each class that has a minimum of 15 students ordering is eligible to order $50 worth of products for free for themselves.  You can see the products online by going to (and entering any student you wish if you would like to order)
Orders can be taken online via credit card, or brought in to school if paying via cheque.  Please let me know if you have any questions! 
Also, we have decided due to some technical issues on the part of the fundraising company, and our committee to extend the deadline to Monday the 24th.
 Thanks again!  

Cameo Delisle, Chair

Wednesday 19 October 2016

We are decorating a pumpkin to be displayed at the Royal Oak Sobeys on Friday.  Each student made a pumpkin plan and today we voted which pumpkin design we wanted.  The most votes went to Ms. Rutland's plan, which was a geode.

The Wetland Club is starting today.  Creed and Charlotte will be going from our class.

Tuesday 18 October 2016

From the ROS Fundraising Society

The ROS Fundraising society would like to thank all families who have already submitted orders for the DFS Fundraiser currently in progress.  Please note, due to a number of issues we have extended the fundraiser due date to MONDAY, OCTOBER 24TH at 9:00AM (1PM for afternoon kindergarten students).  Any late orders may incur extra shipping fees, and will therefore not be accepted without prior arrangements directly with the Fundraising Society. 

Please remember to share with friends and family who can order online once you have registered your child, and they can choose to have orders delivered to their home or the school.  The link you will share with them will look like this... with your child's seller ID in place of the XXXXX.  When you register your child for online orders according to the instructions in your fundraising package, please note that the Student ID requested is the 7 digit ID Number on their Order form, NOT their CBE number!

There are lots of great prize incentives with DFS, so be sure to choose the prizes you are eligible for when you order!  If you have any questions or concerns, please email me us at

Friday 14 October 2016

Fundraising Package

Sorry for the delay in getting the fundraising package home to you all.  We are not sure what happened with the first round - it seems to have vanished in-between the deliver and deliveree!
The new packages came home today and they can be returned Monday, October 24th.

Also, any Scholastic orders can be returned Monday, October 17th.  

Thursday 13 October 2016


Rock Cycle:

Fossil Information:

LearnAlberta - Online Reference Centre

What's New and Exciting

In Inquiry, we learned about the fire in Fort McMurray.  We watched videos and saw how scary it was for the people who had to escape.  The fire was over 750 hectares big (a hectare is approximately the size of a football field).  105 people were evacuated from the hospital - but nobody died in the fire.

In Math, we learned a new game called "Place Value Yahtzee."  There was a few columns and you roll 3 dice.  If you can match your number in the column you can write it on the sheet.

We began our Literacy groups this week.  Each day, students will go to a different class and work on quiet reading, buddy reading, writing, and spelling.

Yesterday we had a presentation about Rocks and Minerals from Mr. Vogan, a Geologist.  We are learning about the rock cycle (we acted it out too - ask for me to show you my metaphoric rock!!)

Lots of students have been sharing their research about rocks and minerals from home.  Jackson and Peter and Noah have shared this week.

Today was picture day.

Scholastic orders are extended to Monday, Oct. 17th.

Pumpkinella Information sheet home today.

Wetland Club application forms went home with interested students today.  Please return Monday if interested.

Wednesday 12 October 2016


Picture day is Thursday, Oct 13th.

Scholastic ordering deadline is extended to Monday, Oct. 17th as I didn't send them home until today.

Thursday 6 October 2016

The End of Week 5!

There is no school Friday or Monday.  Happy Thanksgiving!

This week we were testing rocks and minerals like a geologist.  We did a float test, hardness test, scratch test, streak test, magnetic test, and vinegar test.  We looked at the physical properties of the different rocks and minerals.  We are also learning if the rock or mineral is a sedimentary, igneous, or metamorphic rock.

Our homework this week is to learn about halite (if we have time!)

We explored the Online Reference Centre on the website
The username is LA06 (zero) and the password is 4105 (all numbers).

Today we had an assembly for the ADventure Books Fundraising.  Our class won a $75 gift card to Amazon for selling the most books!!!  Thank you so much for supporting the school!

Today I am bringing home a October calendar and a letter for volunteering.