Friday 16 December 2016

Extra Cards

Holiday Cards were made by students at Royal Oak School with the idea that they would be delivered in the community. Due to the cold weather we were unable to deliver the cards. Grade 3 students are coming home with a card today to Pay It Forward to a neighbor or a friend. Please pass these along to a neighbour on behalf of the school.
Thank you!

Happy Holidays!

I hope you all have a relaxing and happy holiday season and I look forward to seeing everyone in the new year!
Ms. Rutland

Thursday 15 December 2016

The Week that Twas!

We have been very busy in Grade 3 working on a few different projects and topics!  Here are the highlights!
We have been learning and practicing the "stacking" strategy for math. (This is the traditional formula that we all learned as students).  Students have learned a poem to go with it:
     More on top, No need to stop
     More on the floor, Go next door and get ten more!

Students have been working on 2 and 3-digit subtraction with borrowing.  They have a sheet in their backpack today to show you what they learned.  We approach it with a bit of a story:

   Starting at the ones place value, if the number is bigger on the bottom, he has to borrow from his next door neighbour.  If the tens place value is bigger on top, all is good.  If the tens number is smaller on top, then they have to borrow from his neighbour (the hundreds place).  Students are working through the process, and we will be practicing this more and more and more!!!

Language Arts
Students have created comics and we are just finishing them up - we can't wait to share them with you!

We have completed 10 different building challenges and experiments to help students with their home building after Christmas.  Students selected their 3 favourite and uploaded a photo along with a comment about what they learned during the task.  Check out their learning in Iris!

We hope you all have a safe and happy holiday season!  Enjoy the break and we will see you all January 3rd!

Tuesday 6 December 2016

From Administration

Parents- Please Save the Date:

Hello Grade 3 ROS Parents,

This is to let you know that Grade three students during the day of Monday, January 23 and Parents of Grade 3 students in the evening of Monday, January 23 at 7:00 p.m. will be invited to attend a session at Pratt with Paul Davis regarding cyberbullying, internet, Instagram, Facebook, games and email safety and privacy.  It is really a session about Digital Citizenship and the potential dangers of an online presence for your children. 

Please Google Paul Davis as the ROS School Council booked this session over a year ago.  We really hope that you can attend as it will make a difference to your children and online safety.

Judy Jackson
Administrative Assistant, Royal Oak School

The Slipper

We ran out of time to do write this with the students, but I thought I'd put up some information about the play today, as you may have questions following the notice that went home yesterday.

Most importantly, the play was fabulous: very funny and engaging with lots of audience participation.  Two of our students even got to carry the "slipper" onto the stage!

During the play, a man and his nephew travel forward in time to modern Calgary where Cinderella lives with her step mother and 2 step-sisters.  In the time-travel, one of the men ended up wearing a fancy dress - so he became the fairy godmother.  His costumes were hilarious and most kids in our class picked him as their favourite character.  Our students mostly found the kiss at the end to be the most offensive part - but as the actors explained during the question period afterwards, love is a common theme in fairy tales!

Overall, the students had a great time and really enjoyed the play - and I am hoping to take my own children sometime over the next 4 weeks it is running.  If you have the opportunity, I'd really recommend it!

Monday 5 December 2016

Our Apologies

Dear Parents:

We apologize if you were outside in the frigid temperatures at the end of the day today. We were trying to get out the letter to you regarding new information about the ATP Play Slipper.  If your son or daughter did not receive a blue letter today about Slipper, a copy was emailed to everyone this afternoon.  Please return the letter tomorrow.

Sorry for any inconvenience.


Lynn Sparks

Play Information

All students brought home a new letter regarding the play tomorrow.  This permission form needs to be returned in order for students to attend.  Please ensure you check your child's backpack!
Thank you.

Sunday 4 December 2016

Geodesic Home Links

Here are the 2 links for the Geodesic Home Centre.  Fill in the sheet first from the first link, then explore the second link if you have time!