Thursday 29 June 2017

Thank You!!

One final post to say thank you to you all for sharing your children with me this year!  It was a great year - full of challenges, laughs, and the odd tear now and then!!

Thank you also for the cards and gifts - I truly appreciate the generosity of this community!  I wish you all the best over the summer and next school year.  Please come by and say hello if you are in the neighbourhood!

For the students, we finished reading "The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane" by Kate DiCamillo today.  I told the class I'd put the author's name on the blog as she's written lots of other children's books.

Thank you again - have a wonderful and safe summer!

Saturday 17 June 2017

Class Lost and Found

Here are some items that your children are certain do not belong to them!
Let me know (or them) if you recognize anything - otherwise items will be donated next week!

Wednesday 14 June 2017

Wednesday, June 14th

As we get closer and closer to the end of the school year, it seems like there is a never-ending list of things to do - inside the classroom and out!  I apologize for not keeping the blog as up-to-date as previously throughout the year.
Here is a snapshot of what we are working on:

There are a few topics we are working on (such as 3D shapes), along with reviewing concepts taught throughout the year.  Students worked on a "Pyramid Math" activity, where they used addition and subtraction to find missing numbers.

We are looking at Endangered Animals and will be using the World Wildlife Foundation (WWF - I know, terrible abbreviation) to research the threats to endangered animals around the world.

Language Arts
Most students are working on illustrating their animal story - these are on google drive if you'd like a sneak peak.  (Or wait for the illustrated version to come home!)

From Administration

June 14, 2017

Dear Parents:

Re: Please - Keep Fidget Spinners at Home

Recently, we have noticed an increase of fidget spinners at school which are causing disruptions in the classroom, office, lunch room and during recess. We are asking that these fidget spinners please stay at home.

If you have a doctor’s note that states your child requires a fidget spinner for educational purposes, please provide a copy of this note to your child’s teacher.

Thank you for your anticipated cooperation. 

Lynn Sparks, Principal 

Friday 9 June 2017

The Week of June 9th

Tuesday was bike to school day.  It was very fun.
Zach and Dimitri

We are writing our own stories about animals and their environment.  These are "stuck stories" which means that the main character has a problem and they try to solve it a few different ways.  We worked on adding lots of description to our settings, and tried to include our animals adaptations.  Our stories were typed onto Google Docs or Slides.  The next step is to illustrate our books.

We learned a new math game called "Farkle!"😂  In this game, we start with 999 points and try to get to zero points by subtracting.  If you would like a copy of this game to play at home, please let Ms. Rutland know!

We started a novel study: The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane.  Ms. Rutland is going to read 2 chapters a day so that we finish it in time!

Monday 5 June 2017

Bike to School and Jump Rope for Heart Update

Bike to School - June 6
Our annual Bike to School day is tomorrow, June 6th. Please check your child's backpack today for bike tags and important information about the event. 

Jump Rope for Heart - Update
Donations have been totaled and the prizes are in! Congratulations Royal Oak students! You have raised a grand total of $14, 558.27 for the Heart and Stroke Foundation!!!

Prizes will go home with students in the next few days.

Bracelet Sales this Week!

The leadership club is raising money to help support ROS Naturalization project. 

The Naturalization committee is designing an outdoor space that will be inviting for classes to explore, learn and reflect in a comfortable and inviting area outside of their classrooms. The space is in the process of being developed and designed by the Naturalization committee and club. We are excited to support this exciting new outdoor space. We are selling Circle of Courage bracelets and they are $2 each. Please bring in a twoonie this week to help support our Naturalization committee.