Friday 20 October 2017

This Week at School

Bryan - We finished our End of the World Pumpkin. 
Simon - We all drew our own design onto a paper pumpkin.  Then we chose 2 pumpkins that we liked by putting a sticker on 2 papers.  The paper with the most stickers was Bryan's design. 
Kaelyn - Bryan's design was the most difficult one so he had to draw it on the pumpkin.
Charlie - We took turns with a group to paint the rest.
Tobe - We saw the other classes designs as well. 

Our class visited the Weaselhead Flats for a field trip!
Maguire, Megan, and Tobe were saw the animals that they are researching (a spider, beaver, and muskrat).

(This is as far as we got with the students here - the rest is completed by Ms. Rutland!)

In math, we looked at building a number with place value blocks 2 different ways.  Check Iris for a photo and explanation from your child's work.

Our research into animals in the Weaselhead is progressing.  Students will be building a mask of their animal with our Artist-in-Residence beginning on Monday. 
We still require 1 volunteer for October 23 and 2 volunteers for October 26th.  The rest of our days are covered - thank you!
Sketching the View!
What lives in here?

There is a lot of construction in the distance!

Friday 13 October 2017

This Week At School

Charlie - next week we will be carving or painting the pumpkin for the Sobey's display.  We still need to decide on our design.
Bryan - next Thursday is our class trip to the Weaselhead Flats.
Ava - we have chosen an animal to research.  The animal must live in the Weaselhead.  We will look for the animal that we have researched.
Hadley - We wrote about Terry Fox's life and what he's done.
Tobe - We drew a map of our classroom and learned about different kinds of maps.
Sidney - In math, we have started to learn about place value.
Maguire - We played "Beat My Number."  There is hundreds, tens, and ones and you try to build the highest number (ask me how to play!) Kaden's strategy is to put the 9's in the hundreds place!
Bryan - We had picture day!  They will come home in couple weeks.
Ava - we started learning about "Thick" and "Thin" questions.
Kaelyn - in Edward Tulane, he has turned into 4 different characters: Edward, Susanna, Malone, and now he is Jangles.
There were no Friday journals this week.

Reminders: Return Field Trip Forms if you haven't done so.

There is no school on Monday!  Have a good long weekend!

Map of the Class

Another map - in case we get lost!
Buddy Art
Buddy Art

The most amazing book ever!

Wednesday 4 October 2017

Weaselhead Flats Link

Here is a link to go to learn more about the plants and animals of the Weaselhead Flats area.

Wednesday 27 September 2017

Terry Fox Run

On Tuesday, October 3rd, Royal Oak School and William D. Pratt School will be participating in the Terry Fox Run.  Students will gather on the field between the two schools to take part in the annual 30-minute run, which is scheduled to begin at 10:30am.  Students attending afternoon Kindergarten are welcome to attend, if they are accompanied by a supervising adult.

On this day please ensure that your child is appropriately dressed for the weather (including running shoes).  If the weather is poor, students will walk inside the school during their PE class time.

We are asking that each child donate a “Toonie for Terry” for the Terry Fox Foundation during the week of September 26 - October 3rd

All parents/guardians who are interested in joining their child/children in this event are more than welcome.

We do require a fair number of volunteers for this event to ensure its success.  If you have security clearance and if you are able to volunteer during the run time, kindly contact our school Volunteer Coordinator at

Thank you for your continued support.

The Terry Fox Run Committee

Friday 15 September 2017

This Week At School

Jonah - For our drumming today, some parents came in and drummed with us.
Simon - We started our Friday Writing Journals.  Please read mine and write me a note in it!
Bryan - We had a Circle of Courage meeting.  Please ask me about it!
Olivia - Today we finished our poems.
Jenara - We finished our Face Art today during WOW.
Reece - We started a Circle of Courage Box.
Tobe - Today we finished our journal covers.

Next week is Safety Week and there is no school for students next Friday.  Thursday and Friday are Parent/Teacher Conferences.  Please book online!!  There will also be a book fair next week!

Ms Rutland - We had a very busy week!  In math, we are working on adding and subtracting our basic facts (0-18) and thinking about what strategies we are using for these.  If you'd like a copy of a game that you could work on at home with your child, please send me an email and I'd be happy to send a copy home!  We also spent some time this week with Mrs. Libbey's class doing a couple challenges to discuss group work.
Roger from One World Drumming
Adding and Subtraction Basic Fact Practice - Connect 4

The Marshmallow Challenge

The Marshmallow Challenge

Saving Sam!

Monday 11 September 2017

Monday, Sept. 11

Jenara - We had a Beakerhead Assembly
Hadley - There was a circus performer (named Sapphire) who had swinging glow sticks and they would show a picture or a pattern when she swung them fast.
Bryan - Sapphire showed us "contact juggling" with a glass ball.
Tobe (and Kaelyn) - Sapphire did cool tricks with glow-in-the-dark hula hoops.
Ava - Sapphire showed us the science behind her tricks.
Lily - Sapphire used her body (knees, toes, elbows, shoulder, and even one other part that you will have to ask your child about).
Hadley - Beakerhead is how science, math, and technology make our world amazing!

Check out: for all the events and schedules!

Also exciting today...
Maguire - in music we did drumming with Roger from One World Drumming.
Hadley - Rodger tried to trick us in Drumming.
Simon - we mostly finished our poem writing.
Olivia - we played math games, working on "Doubles"

There are packages coming home today.  Please sign and return all forms as soon as possible.

Thursday 29 June 2017

Thank You!!

One final post to say thank you to you all for sharing your children with me this year!  It was a great year - full of challenges, laughs, and the odd tear now and then!!

Thank you also for the cards and gifts - I truly appreciate the generosity of this community!  I wish you all the best over the summer and next school year.  Please come by and say hello if you are in the neighbourhood!

For the students, we finished reading "The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane" by Kate DiCamillo today.  I told the class I'd put the author's name on the blog as she's written lots of other children's books.

Thank you again - have a wonderful and safe summer!