Friday 20 October 2017

This Week at School

Bryan - We finished our End of the World Pumpkin. 
Simon - We all drew our own design onto a paper pumpkin.  Then we chose 2 pumpkins that we liked by putting a sticker on 2 papers.  The paper with the most stickers was Bryan's design. 
Kaelyn - Bryan's design was the most difficult one so he had to draw it on the pumpkin.
Charlie - We took turns with a group to paint the rest.
Tobe - We saw the other classes designs as well. 

Our class visited the Weaselhead Flats for a field trip!
Maguire, Megan, and Tobe were saw the animals that they are researching (a spider, beaver, and muskrat).

(This is as far as we got with the students here - the rest is completed by Ms. Rutland!)

In math, we looked at building a number with place value blocks 2 different ways.  Check Iris for a photo and explanation from your child's work.

Our research into animals in the Weaselhead is progressing.  Students will be building a mask of their animal with our Artist-in-Residence beginning on Monday. 
We still require 1 volunteer for October 23 and 2 volunteers for October 26th.  The rest of our days are covered - thank you!
Sketching the View!
What lives in here?

There is a lot of construction in the distance!

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