Tuesday 3 January 2017

Happy New Year!

Hello and welcome back to a new year!

My New Year's Resolution is to update the blog more frequently - and I'm off to a great start with that!

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season.  Mine was very restful with time spent with family and friends.  I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their generosity before the holidays - I feel very fortunate to work in such a caring environment.

If you haven't returned your child's report card envelop, please do so asap.  Thank you!

Students began writing about their winter break today.  We are going to be editing these for sentences, details, and description - but if you'd like to see the first draft - they are on google drive.

In math, we reviewed 2-digit addition using the stacking method.  Your child will bring home their sheet later this week - please review it with them when it comes home.

We started doing some work with "value" in art.  Students shaded rectangle from light to dark, then tried drawing and shading 3-D shapes.  We will be exploring tints and shades on our way to a winter scene!

We are excited to start re-designing and building our houses this week.  If there are supplies at home that you've been holding for your child, you can send them in now.

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