Tuesday 28 February 2017

Our Week So Far

Jackson - we are starting to learn about sound.
Dimitri - we watched Bill Nye "Hearing and Sound"
Taryn - we are also learning about ears and hearing
Peter - ears can get easily damaged by listening to loud music
Sophie - sound travels faster through solids
Maycie - there are 3 parts of the ear: the outer, middle, and inner ear
Alana - we had a presentation about sound and how loud gun shots or chainsaws can be.
Sound is measured in decibels.
Noah - regular conversation is about 50-60 decibels.  Your ear cups sound waves and sends them to your ear drum.  The sound hits the 3 bones (hammer, anvil, and the other one!)
Reid - hairs in the inner ear (cochlea) break off so you can't hear as well

Language Arts
Charlotte - we've been working on a 30-Day Writing Challenge
Alexis - some literacy groups have started book clubs (but not all!)

Alana - we learned a new math game called Kaboom!  Ask me how to play!  We can make these at home with popsicle sticks.
Reid - we are writing our own math equations and word problems
Holly - you can't say your better at multiplication than division because they are basically in the same fact family (Peter)

Crimson - we are learning about UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
Zach - we had a debate about if people should pay to visit WHS (like a temple)
Lyla - UNESCO stands for United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization
Jordan - we looked at the WHS on the computers

Sophia - we started learning badminton in gym
Noah - some Grade 3's are playing floor hockey at noon hour.  There are 10 teams and 6 teams play/day.

Wednesday 22 February 2017

Pink Shirt Day Success!

The school was awash in pink and royal blue as students showed their support for anti-bullying and respecting differences.  Our class read my favourite picture book "One" by Kathryn Otoshi and the students all decorated a paper pink shirt with an anti-bullying message.  Please stop by and check out the gathering space to see what 500 pink T-shirts looks like!

In math, students played an Array game.  You can play this at home by printing out a sheet of grid paper and rolling 2 dice to fill in your arrays.  Be careful where you place your arrays though, the object of the game is to fill in as many arrays as you can!

We have just started our Science Unit on Hearing and Sound.  If you have any resources or information that you'd like to share with the class on this topic, please let me know!

Class photos and information from the Royal Oak Fundraising Society came home today - check your child's backpack!

Tuesday 21 February 2017

Pink Shirt Day is Tomorrow!

All students are encouraged to wear a pink shirt or "Royal blue" to show their support for anti-bullying.  We will be discussion bullying tomorrow in class and have a brief assembly at 9:30.

UNESCO Websites

The UNESCO List:

World Heritage Sites for Kids:
(This doesn't always work: Google search: World Heritage kids and select the "britannica" site

Fact Sheet for Children:

Short Videos of UNESCO Heritage sites


Wednesday 15 February 2017

Where did that week go?

A reminder to all that there is no school Thursday and Friday due to Teacher's Convention, and Monday, due to Family Day.  I hope you all have a lovely break!

We managed to fit a lot into this week!  Our 3D maps are coming along very nicely - most groups are putting on the finishing touches and working on the information cards for each region.

Here is our collection of value art from last week!  Each student created a unique name for their work of art.

We looked at a few Valentine word problems in Math yesterday and today.  Ask your child to solve them for you at home or make one similar to these and "test" you!

Monday 13 February 2017

Monday, Feb. 13

We started constructing our 3D maps of Tunisia, Ukraine, India, Peru, and Alberta today.  We started with the mountain region as all 5 maps needed that.  Tomorrow we will continue working on the information cards for each region and building the plains and desert regions.

In math, we continue our work with multiplication using skip counting and equal groups.  Sophie demonstrated a use of "partial products" today - which is a strategy students could use for solving 2 digit multiplication (don't panic - this isn't grade 3 curriculum!!  However, there is no reason it couldn't be!)  Students can use partial products to solve 13x14 as follows:
Ask your child if they can show you the steps and try some more at home!  Isn't math fun?!

Tomorrow is Valentines Day and InLine Skating!
This is a short week due to Teachers Convention and Family Day.  Last day is Wednesday!

Sunday 12 February 2017

From ROS Fundraising Society

Happy Weekend from your Fundraising Society!  Thank you to all parents for sending in your Coffee and Tea orders so promptly!  Orders are due tomorrow, Friday, February 10th, but we would like to invite you to share the order forms over the weekend, and return ALL ORDERS BY MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12th.  If possible, please combine all payments into one cheque made out to ROS Fundraising Society.  PM Kindergartens, please send your orders in tomorrow, Friday!
We also need parents to help sort and package the orders when they arrive approximately the last week of February.  Please indicate on your order form, or email us directly if you might be available to help!
Looking forward to a little Winter Warm Up!  Thank you for supporting your Fundraising Society, and the excellence in programming we can provide for our children! 

Wednesday 8 February 2017

Scholastic Reminder

Just a reminder that any Scholastic orders are due Friday.

Valentines Day

Next Tuesday is Valentines Day and students can bring in Valentine cards to distribute provided there is one for each student.  Here are the names of the 24 students in the class.

Alana, Alexis, Brooke, Charlotte, Creed, Crimson, Dimitri, Holly, Hudson, Jackson, Jordan, Karina, Lyla, Maycie, Noah, Peter, Piper, Reid, Sean, Sophia M., Sophia G., Sophie, Taryn, Zach

So Far this Week

Today our class had a Fire Safety Presentation from the Calgary Fire Department.  During our home building inquiry, we focused a lot on safe-guarding the exterior of homes, however, when I was speaking with the Calgary Fire Department, they suggested that we may want to discuss safe-guarding the interior of our homes, as that is where the greatest risks lie.  Students may be asking you to do a few things around your home tonight!

  • Test smoke detectors and change the batteries if it has been more than a year since they were changed.
  • Consider installing smoke detectors inside all bedrooms.
  • Develop a fire escape plan that includes 2 exit points from each room in your house 
  • Establish a meeting point for everyone in the family in the event of a fire
We have been exploring value in art this week.  We began by creating colour strips with paint trying to go from lightest to darkest.  Students then selected one colour and created a light source by leaving a white circle on their page, then slowly darkening around the white in circles.  Finally they added silhouettes of objects using black paper and titled their work.  I'll post a picture next time - they are all in the drying rack right now!

In math, students have been exploring "arrays" as a multiplication strategy.  An array is an arrangement of objects in rows, with equal amounts in each row.  We saw that we could take the equation 4x3 and replace the "x" with the words "rows of".  So 4x3 would look like:
Students went on an array hunt taking pictures of arrays around the school.  They made a pic collage on IRIS of their findings - ask your child about the arrays they discovered!