Wednesday 22 February 2017

Pink Shirt Day Success!

The school was awash in pink and royal blue as students showed their support for anti-bullying and respecting differences.  Our class read my favourite picture book "One" by Kathryn Otoshi and the students all decorated a paper pink shirt with an anti-bullying message.  Please stop by and check out the gathering space to see what 500 pink T-shirts looks like!

In math, students played an Array game.  You can play this at home by printing out a sheet of grid paper and rolling 2 dice to fill in your arrays.  Be careful where you place your arrays though, the object of the game is to fill in as many arrays as you can!

We have just started our Science Unit on Hearing and Sound.  If you have any resources or information that you'd like to share with the class on this topic, please let me know!

Class photos and information from the Royal Oak Fundraising Society came home today - check your child's backpack!

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