Wednesday 8 February 2017

So Far this Week

Today our class had a Fire Safety Presentation from the Calgary Fire Department.  During our home building inquiry, we focused a lot on safe-guarding the exterior of homes, however, when I was speaking with the Calgary Fire Department, they suggested that we may want to discuss safe-guarding the interior of our homes, as that is where the greatest risks lie.  Students may be asking you to do a few things around your home tonight!

  • Test smoke detectors and change the batteries if it has been more than a year since they were changed.
  • Consider installing smoke detectors inside all bedrooms.
  • Develop a fire escape plan that includes 2 exit points from each room in your house 
  • Establish a meeting point for everyone in the family in the event of a fire
We have been exploring value in art this week.  We began by creating colour strips with paint trying to go from lightest to darkest.  Students then selected one colour and created a light source by leaving a white circle on their page, then slowly darkening around the white in circles.  Finally they added silhouettes of objects using black paper and titled their work.  I'll post a picture next time - they are all in the drying rack right now!

In math, students have been exploring "arrays" as a multiplication strategy.  An array is an arrangement of objects in rows, with equal amounts in each row.  We saw that we could take the equation 4x3 and replace the "x" with the words "rows of".  So 4x3 would look like:
Students went on an array hunt taking pictures of arrays around the school.  They made a pic collage on IRIS of their findings - ask your child about the arrays they discovered!

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