Tuesday 4 April 2017

First Days Back!

Our first couple of days back from spring break have been busy - most notably with our "Trip Around the World" this morning!  Captain Al from Teacher's Pet took us on an amazing journey where we learned about a "souk" in Tunisia; made lanterns to celebrate Diwali in India; played string games from Peru; and acted out a Ukrainian Folk Tale with finger puppets.  It was an amazing adventure - and we weren't even as tired as you'd expect after a trip around the world!  This is probably due to our amazing parent co-pilots who were along for our ride - it made for smooth travels for all!

Students have begun to research how animals hear and compare that to how humans hear.  They will be making an Animal Trading Card with what they've learned about other animals' hearing.

We started learning about fractions today.  Many of the students didn't think they know much about fractions, however, once we started discussing it, they were surprised to see that they've been working with fractions their whole lives!  They all brought home their "pizza" - ask them what they learned about fractions today!
The Grade 3 mathematics curriculum on fractions includes:

 Demonstrate an understanding of fractions by:
  • explaining that a fraction represents a part of a whole
  • describing situations in which fractions are used
  • comparing fractions of the same whole that have like denominators 

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