Monday 10 April 2017

Monday, April 10th

Studio Bell National Music Centre Field Trip

Our class had a fantastic time learning and exploring the brand new Studio Bell National Music Centre.  In groups, students worked through a scavenger hunt on an IPad  which allowed them to explore the historical aspect of music, music awards, and of course, dozens of different instruments.  I think a favourite activity of many students was the sound booth - and probably a few would pick the rooftop balcony we checked out at lunchtime!  It was a great day of learning - and thank you also to our group of parent volunteers - we couldn't have enjoyed the day as much without you!


Physical Education Update

We have just completed a very successful week in the gym where students participated in the combative games unit and had the opportunity to learn how to wrestle. If you happen to be in the school please check out the bulletin boards outside of the PE office for some great photos of our amazing Royal Oak Wrestlers.

This coming week we will be doing Mission Impossible. Our Secret Agents in Training will work hard to complete 4 training courses through out the week. (Monday, Tuesday and Thursday) Students are asked to bring a flashlight and/or headlamp to their classes' final Mission Impossible Session, either Tuesday or Thursday. During this class the lights in the gym will be turned out and students will work hard to use their training to complete their final mission.. in the dark. Please ensure that your light is clearly labelled with your son or daughters name.

Ms. Hennick

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