Wednesday 31 May 2017

Bike to School Day!

Our annual Bike to School Day is fast approaching. On Tuesday June 6th students are encouraged to bike to school. Last year we had incredible participation from our ROS families! We are hoping for even more participation this year! Bikes will be stored in the gymnasium and doors will open at 8:30. More information on this event will be sent home soon. 

Sports Day Tomorrow

Sports Day - Thursday afternoon students at Royal Oak School will be participating in our annual Sports Day. Our theme for this year will be 'Your Favourite Sports' so we are asking students to wear a jersey of their favourite sports team or their Royal Oak School Shirt for that day. We are also encouraging all students to bring a water bottle. After our events in the afternoon students will be treated to a snack of watermelon provided by parent council.  

Monday 29 May 2017

Monday, May 29th

Students worked on their story plans for Language Arts and Science today.  They have all selected an animal and identified a few of the adaptations the animal has that make it suited for it's environment. Their animal will next discover why it doesn't do well in other environments around the world!

Here are a few photos from our "agamographs" from last week!

Sports Day!

Sports Day - Thursday afternoon students at Royal Oak School will be participating in our annual Sports Day. Our theme for this year will be 'Your Favourite Sports' so we are asking students to wear a jersey of their favourite sports team or a t-shirt with their favourite sport on it for that day. We are also encouraging all students to bring a water bottle. After our events in the afternoon students will be treated to a snack of watermelon provided by parent council.  

Tuesday 23 May 2017

Tuesday, May 23

In Science, we are continuing to learn about the life cycles of different animals - and we started an art project to go along with this idea...stay tuned for photos in a day or two!

In Language Arts, students mapped a picture book in a group of 3 students.  In their groups, the students identified the main problem and solution in their story; the climax; and the rising and falling action.  We will begin working on our own fiction story using this map later this week.

Today we did an interesting math warm-up:

Students who were finished were encouraged to try and create their own missing number puzzle.  If anyone creates one at home we'd love to solve it at school!

After our warm-up, we then graphed the results from our UNESCO ballot vote.  The winner: The Ring of Cenotes of Chicxulub Crater!  

Library Books Due

Hello All!
All library books will be due in the Learning Commons on or before June 2nd.
Thank you!

Stampede Breakfast

Reminder that tomorrow is the Royal Oak School Stampede Breakfast. Rain or shine, bring your family for some free pancakes and sausage! The breakfast runs from 7:30am-9:00am. See ya'll there!

Wednesday 17 May 2017

May 15-17

Catching up on a few days!!

We have started learning cursive writing when we have a few extra minutes (though those minutes can be hard to find!)  Cursive Writing is still part of the Grade 3 curriculum and most students enjoy learning this 'secret' code!

We are working on story mapping as a building block to planning and writing our own fiction stories about animals - stay tuned for those!

Students are researching information about different animal's life cycles in Science.  We are using resource books from our library and will be comparing the different stages animals go through.

In math, we are finishing up our work on perimeter.  Your child will be bringing home a perimeter assessment tomorrow for you to review with them.  They also worked on this problem today:
Ask your child how they solved the problem!

Volunteer Tea

ROS Volunteer Tea
Friday, May 26th from 10:00 - 11:00 AM

RSVP by returning the blue form sent home previously!

Jump Rope for Heart Update

Jump Rope for Heart Fundraiser - Update

THANK YOU for helping to make our Heart and Stroke Jump Rope for Heart event a success! Our online total is $10,203 and we are still waiting for our cash donations to be totaled. Congratulations Students, family and friends, we smashed our goal of $5000. Based on our online totals alone, we are one of the top fundraisers in the city.

Jump Rope for Heart has informed me that they will have all totals completed by the end of the week and they will then submit the order for student prizes. As soon as I get another update, I will let you know. 

Thanks again for your unbelievable support in this amazing cause. I am very proud to be a part of such a supportive and giving community.

Helen Hennick

Physical Education Specialist, Royal Oak School

Wednesday 10 May 2017

Wednesday, May 10

Today we visited the wetlands.
Creed - we saw a tipi made out of wood and there was a painting on a rectangular piece of wood.  It looked like a person in front of an oak tree.
Sophia G. - we saw lots of shells.  We decided to leave them in the wetlands.
Zach - we saw tadpoles in the water.  We also saw spiders.  We heard construction noises in the distance.
Sophia M - one tadpole had legs!
Charlotte - we saw some little shrimp-like thingies!
Brooke - when we arrived, we sat silently for 10 minutes and looked at the wetlands.  It felt very relaxing.
Lyla - when we looked into the water with the binoculars, it looked blurry - kind of like art.  Next time we visit the wetlands we will bring a garbage bag.
Sean - we saw some insects and sketched something we were interested in.
Noah - we should bring rubber boats or buckets next time for checking for bugs.
Taryn - I made some notes about a very prickly object to research at home.
Ms. Rutland - I tried to make them cry by reading "The Giving Tree" - but no one did.

Today was also "dress as your favourite book character day"!  Some of the costumes were: Kylo Ren from Star Wars; Thing One and Thing Two; a box of crayons from The Day the Crayons Quit; Pikachu; Fern from Charlotte's Web; Matilda; a narwhal; Raina from Sisters; a cake from The Cupcake Diaries; Hermionie; Jarome Iginla; the Sith Lord from Star Wars; and Stephanie from Stephanie's Ponytail.  And of course, our contribution to the teacher crayon box - the grey crayon.

Monday 8 May 2017

Monday, May 8

We had some very exciting things happen today for the Grade 3's!  The first was a visit from Valerie Walker, an author who writes chapter books for children and teens.  Students listened to her read from a passage of one of her books, then asked very excellent questions about the writing and publishing process.

After lunch we walked up the hill for a visit at William D. Pratt.  Each Grade 3 class was paired with a Grade 4 class who helped us complete a scavenger hunt to explore the school.  We then did a relay race outside, and then headed back inside for a treat!  It was a great visit and the students loved seeing some familiar faces!

With so much in our schedule we didn't have a lot of time for math - so we just did a quick review.  Students were reminded about what the word "perimeter" means, then asked to determine what they know about the following picture.  We didn't quite finish it - but a couple mathematicians couldn't leave without figuring it out!  To be continued...

Jump Rope for Heart

How is Your Jump Fundraising Going?
There are days remaining until our Jump Rope for Heart Event Day! Be sure to reach out to family and friends for donations. Every donation helps us to reach our fundraising goal of $5000 and to help save lives.
Online fundraising is a quick and easy way to receive donations. Go to and
register today!

Friday 5 May 2017

Information for Next Year

Preparing for the 2017 – 2018 School Year
Students Moving:
Please notify the Royal Oak School office if your family is moving before September 1, 2017 out of the Royal Oak/Rocky Ridge.  This will help us in planning for the next school year.  Please email the school at before Thursday, May 18th with your child’s name and grade to state they will not be attending Royal Oak School for the 2017 – 2018 school year.  For the students in Grade Three it is a natural transition to W.D. Pratt and that transition happens at the school level. There is no need to contact the school if your child is in Grade Three and moving on to Grade Four.
Parent Requests for Student Placement:
The following information is provided to clarify questions about their child’s placement for next year.  This should not be interpreted as an open invitation for student placement requests.
A great deal of time and consideration is put into organizing classes.  Many factors are taken into account such as a balance of girls and boys, student abilities, special education needs, English Second Language learners, student learning styles, teaching styles and overall school organization.  Your child’s teacher, in consultation with other teachers of the same grade will meet with the school administration to discuss and determine student class placement for next year.  We have the best interest of all students in mind. 
Should you feel you have a significant “education” circumstance that you would like considered in your child’s placement for next year, please follow the following procedure. 
ü  Make your one request in writing (multiple requests based upon class organization, friendships, etc. unfortunately cannot be accommodated).
ü  Please do not request a specific teacher as the teachers’ grade assignments are not finalized until later in the planning process.
If you have educational reasons for requesting a specific class placement for your child, please email before Thursday, May 18th.

Thursday, May 11th

Dear Parents, 

We are holding our jump event on Thursday, May11th from 2:50-3:20. Students will be playing hard during this time and we would like to have a healthy, heart smart snack for them to enjoy after. We are looking for a parent or two to bring in enough mandarines or orange slices for your child's class to share. If you are able to contribute please contact Cindy, our room parent at

 All students are encouraged to bring their own skipping rope if they have one. Jump Rope for Heart Pledges are also due to homeroom teachers on the 11th. 

Thank you for your support as we raise money for the Heart and Stroke Foundation.

Book Week!

The students and staff at Royal Oak School are looking forward to celebrating TD Canadian Children’s Book Week during the week of May 8th-12th! The theme for Book Week this year is “Reading Across Canada”. We will have lots of exciting activities during the week including; daily “guess the book contest”, DEAR (Drop Everything and Read) and our Royal Oak School Reading Challenge!
In addition, we have special events going on these days:
Monday, May 8th:
We look forward to welcoming guest author, Valerie Walker. She will be sharing her “Hedley the Hedgehog” adventures stories with each grade group in the morning. For more information on Valerie and her books, please visit:
Tuesday, May 9th:
Ms. Sparks will be reading one of her favorite stories to the Grade 1, 2 and 3 classes. Ms. Dalton will be reading a special book with the morning and afternoon Kindergarten classes.
Wednesday, May 10th:
Dress up as your favorite storybook character day! Students are encouraged to dress up as a favorite storybook character and if possible, to bring the matching storybook along at school. Students will have the opportunity to share their stories and costumes with a fellow classmate or friend in another class during buddy reading activities throughout the day. Please remember to refrain from wearing masks and from bringing toy weapons.
Thursday, May 11th:
Please return the blue Royal Oak School reading challenge forms today.
Special guest readers, Spencer Wilson and Adam Thibault from the Calgary Stampeders will be sharing some of their favorite picture books with students during the afternoon. They will also stay to help us kick off our Jump Rope for Heart Jump Event!
Friday, May 12th:
Prizes for reading challenges will be sent home today.
For more information on the TD Canadian Children’s Book Week, visit:


Sandi L. Harrower
Learning Leader/Resource Teacher
Royal Oak School

Wednesday 3 May 2017

Jump Rope for Heart

Hello ROS students, parents and guardians!
Our Heart and Stroke Foundation Jump Rope For Heart Fundraiser is well on its way. Our kick off assembly last week got students excited to participate and we have been skipping everyday since in PE. Students are encouraged to continue collecting pledges until Thursday May 11th when we will have our Jump Rope for Heart Day event. The Jump Event will run from 2-2:30 on the 11th, our entire school will converge in the courtyard to skip, be active and have fun. Students are encouraged to bring their own skipping ropes if they have one to participate in this school wide event. Thank you for your continued support!!

Ms Hennick

Tuesday 2 May 2017

Our Trip to the Zoo!

I can't believe how small the Egyptian Tortoise is!

Flamingos turn pink because they eat shrimp.

The hippos can spray their poo and spin their tails in a circle.
Sophia and Crimson

The hippo can open its mouth 165'

The life cycle of a mosquito is egg, larva, pupa, and then mosquito.
Reid and Sophia

In the first part of our trip, we explored many different exhibits including the penguins, butterflies, African Rainforest and African Savanah. After lunch we toured through the Canadian Wilds and saw some amazing owls in the Avery.  In our program we learned about animal classification and our class performed a play pretending to be the life cycle of the Northern Leopard Frog.  A quick tour through the rest of the Canadian Wilds (where we saw some very cute bears sleeping on logs and up high in the trees) and we were back on the bus.  It was a great day - thanks to our very helpful parent volunteers also!

Tomorrow is wear a hat for mental health day!