Monday 8 May 2017

Monday, May 8

We had some very exciting things happen today for the Grade 3's!  The first was a visit from Valerie Walker, an author who writes chapter books for children and teens.  Students listened to her read from a passage of one of her books, then asked very excellent questions about the writing and publishing process.

After lunch we walked up the hill for a visit at William D. Pratt.  Each Grade 3 class was paired with a Grade 4 class who helped us complete a scavenger hunt to explore the school.  We then did a relay race outside, and then headed back inside for a treat!  It was a great visit and the students loved seeing some familiar faces!

With so much in our schedule we didn't have a lot of time for math - so we just did a quick review.  Students were reminded about what the word "perimeter" means, then asked to determine what they know about the following picture.  We didn't quite finish it - but a couple mathematicians couldn't leave without figuring it out!  To be continued...

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