Wednesday 30 November 2016

Field Trip Fee

Hello all!
Just a reminder that the field trip cost $18 (it was easy to miss in the parent letter).
If you haven't already done so, you can pay online or with cheque or cash.

Thank you!


W.O.W. (Working on Work)

In Language Arts, we've begun editing our persuasive paragraphs, focusing mostly on sentences.  We looked at what a sentence is, what a run-on sentence is, and sentence fragments.  Students had a chance to edit and give feedback to a peer about their paragraph, and they are working on making revisions to the online document.  Go online and check them out!

Students were shown pictures of houses in other communities and have been working with a partner to answer the question, "Why is this house in (Peru, India, Ukraine, or Tunisia) designed like this?  They are making a google slide presentation and these will be shared with the class next week.  (Also available online to check out!!)

In Science, students have been traveling to other classes in order to test different structures and materials.  This will take until winter break and then we will begin building when we return.

Reminder there is no school on Friday and our class visits the play "The Slipper" on Tuesday.  The volunteer was drawn today and Lisa will be coming with us.  Thank you so much to everyone who wanted to come - I wish we could take everyone!

Monday 28 November 2016

Math Update

Hello All!  Here is a boring old teacher update (instead of the interesting ones that the students contribute to!)

Today in math class we talked about "subitizing."  This is the ability to glance at a collection of objects and know how many there are - without needing to count.  As we played the math game "Pigs" students subitize the dots on the dice and should be able to add 2 dice in their heads.  If they are still counting on fingers then they should be practicing basic facts at home.  Play with your child and as you do, note the addition strategies they are using.  Have Fun!
The game goes like this:

1. First player rolls the dice.  They add up the totals on both dice to get their

2.  That player then decides whether to END THEIR TURN or ROLL

3. If they roll again they can add their new total to the total of their turn.  

4. The player can continue to roll again until.... 

 * They choose to pass the dice and end their turn.  Their points are
 "banked" at this point. 

 * A # 1 turns up on the dice which automatically ends their turn and
 deletes all points gained that turn!

 *** If 2 Number 1's turn up in one roll (Snakes eyes) it erases that  player's banked total too (you go back to zero) and ends their turn!

The WINNER is the first person to reach 100 points.

Stephen's Backpack

Royal Oak School is collecting new items for Stephen’s Backpacks. Our goal is to fill 100 backpacks for children this Christmas. Donations of new items such as mittens, hats, socks, small toys, craft things, toothbrushes, books are being accepted. Donations can be sent to school with your child and they will be put under the Christmas tree in the gathering space. Thank you for your support.

Also here is the link to the Stephen’s Backpack Society website: 

Wednesday 23 November 2016

Stephen's Backpacks

Royal Oak School is collecting new items for Stephen’s Backpacks. Our goal is to fill 100 backpacks for children this Christmas. Donations of new items such as mittens, hats, socks, small toys, craft things, toothbrushes, books are being accepted. Donations can be sent to school with your child and they will be put under the Christmas tree in the gathering space. Thank you for your support.


Tomorrow and Friday is Parent-Teacher Conferences.  Please return the blue sheet if you haven't already done so.  On Friday there is no school.

 We had a presentation from Chris Milne.  He spoke to us about 3 different words: pride, perseverance, and resilience.  He told us about when he became paralyzed on his right side with a very rare disease.  He couldn't even tie his shoes.  He showed us that you should never give up and keep working on things even if it tough.

Today we watched a video about how to draw a one-point perspective house.

We are working on persuasive paragraphs and are typing the first draft on google docs.  Feel free to check out my UNEDITED version.
Ms. Rutland

Tuesday 22 November 2016

Wear Blue!

Hello All!
I didn't get a chance to talk to the students at the end of the day today - but tomorrow is "wear blue day" in support of a guest speaker.

Monday 21 November 2016

Upcoming Field Trip

We are excited to offer all students at Royal Oak School the opportunity to visit the Martha Cohen Theatre to watch "Slipper: A Distinctly Calgarian Cinderella Story."  Each grade group will attend the production on different dates, outlined below:
December 6:   Grade Two and Three
December 7:   Kindergarten (both morning and afternoon students) 
December 8:   Grade One

Please complete the Consent and Acknowledgement of Risk form that was sent home today, and return it to your teacher by Tuesday November 29, 2016.

We are very much looking forward to sharing this wonderful learning opportunity with your child(ren)!

Remember, if you would like to volunteer, please submit your name to Cindy and we will draw from a hat!

Friday 18 November 2016

From ROS Fundraising Society

Dear Parents, we are excited by the response so far to the Spirit Wear fundraiser.  We would like to remind you that we will have samples available for trying during Student Conferences on Thursday, November 24th and Friday, November 25th.  Please allow time to visit us at the ROS Fundraising Society table!  If you need help with sizing and are not able to attend conferences, please email us to make alternate arrangements! Thank you and Happy Weekend! 

Cameo Delisle

Thursday 17 November 2016

Dance music

Here is a link to a dropbox for parents, teachers and students to access the music for the performances. Enjoy!

Soctober Update

Socktober - Thank you to all families who participated in our Socktober event at Pumpkinella this year. The Grade 2 students have completed their final count and we have collected 700 pairs of socks to help families in need at Inn from the Cold. Arrangements have been made to get the socks to Inn from the Cold on Friday. Thank you for this great act of generosity!


Royal Oak School parent, Chris Milne, is coming to speak to the students about resiliency on Wednesday, November 23 at 10:30 a.m. Students are invited to wear their school T-shirt or Royal Blue on this day to celebrate school spirit.  Also, parents are welcome to attend.

Jordan's Great Idea!

Jordan decided we should update our blog while we are snacking! (We need to use every minute available to us!)

We are planning out our houses and getting ready to make them.  First we looked at blueprints and then we started drawing our own blueprints.  Mr. Colvin came back to help us with the designs of our houses.  We are still collecting materials in the class for building.

This week we had a teamwork challenge to build the tallest tower out of noodles, tape, string and a marshmallow.  The tallest tower was 59 cm.  Afterward we reflected on our team work goals and how our team worked.

We had a debate whether people should or shouldn't rebuild Fort McMurray.

Today there is a dance in the afternoon.  Please be here by 6:30 (in our classroom).

Tonight's Performance

Tonight is our SoundKreations Dance Performance. All students will perform in the afternoon except for AM Kindergarten. If you do not have a ticket for the evening performance your child will not perform in the evening. Students are required to be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Please only bring your child if you have a ticket for the evening performance.

Sarah Power
Teacher, Royal Oak School
Calgary Board of Education |

t | 403 777 6279

Stephen's Backpacks

Royal Oak School is supporting Stephen’s Backpacks this holiday season.

The backpacks that we are filling are for children who range in age from infant to grade 4. We are looking for donations of new items that can go inside of a backpack (toques, mitts, puzzles, pyjamas, socks, baby items, ect). These items can be sent to school with your child and they will be placed under the tree in the gathering space. 

We will begin collecting items in the gathering space beginning on Monday November 14th and will be accepting donations until Friday December 9th. 

SoundKreations Performance Tonight

If possible, we'd like our dancers to wear dark bottoms and blue or green shirts.
Thank you!

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Calgary Reads Information

SoundKreations Tickets

From Administration:

The 6:00 pm SoundKreations performance is sold out.  Tickets are still available for the 2:00 pm and 6:50 performances.

Monday 14 November 2016

Amazon Expert Required!

Our class needs an Amazon Expert.  Not the Rainforest Amazon - but the shopping "Amazon" expert.  Any time I've ordered from Amazon it has taken months to arrive - I must be doing something wrong!  Our class decided we would like to use the $75 we won from the ROS Fundraising challenge to buy some educational games for the classroom - and I'm wondering if someone would be able to help us do that.  If you're an Amazon-ian - please let me know!

For the week...

Picture retakes are tomorrow (Tuesday)!

SoundKreations performance is Thursday afternoon and evening.  There are extra tickets available - please watch for information about how to get those tomorrow!  If students aren't coming to the evening performance, please let Ms. Rutland know via email. (

Scholastic orders are due Friday!

In Math we started subtraction.  Subtraction is when you take away numbers and we are learning different strategies to solve problems.
Noah and Sophia M.

We are working on a persuasive writing piece on rebuilding Fort McMurray.  Please read my persuasive paragraph in google docs!

In inquiry we are learning about blue prints and structures of buildings.  We defined the words "function" and "design." We learned about different types of forces ( torsion, tension, shear, and compression).  We saw abbreviations in blueprints.  Ask us what we noticed in the blueprints!

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Volunteer Update

Hello all!

For those of you who don't know me, my name is Cindy (Zach's mom) and I'll be helping Ms Rutland arrange parent volunteers for the classroom and field trips throughout the year.  I have set up a page on in order to sign up parents for the various volunteer dates throughout the school year.  Ms Rutland has already posted some opportunities for November and will be adding more dates in the future, so be sure to check it out.  In order for you to view/sign up to volunteer, you first must have an up to date criminal record check and you must fill out/sign/return the form Ms Rutland previously sent home allowing me to have your email address (on the form, could you also include your email address pls).  Once we have this, I will add you to the signupgenius page.  You'll have to sign up to use signupgenius and then you're good to go!  Hope this makes sense and if anyone has any questions, please email me at


Monday 7 November 2016

Remembrance Day Assembly

Royal Oak School’s Remembrance Day Assembly will be on Thursday, November 10th at 10:45am. All families are welcome to join us. Students involved in Scouts, Girl Guides etc. are welcome to wear their uniforms during our assembly.

All students will be receiving poppies on Thursday. We welcome any donations for the Calgary Poppy Fund to help support local veterans.


Volunteers Needed

Looking for Volunteers for the Wee Read Program:
Wee Read is about reading aloud and sharing the joy of reading with kindergarten and Grade 1 students. Reading volunteers would need to commit to 30 minutes per week for 8 weeks. In this 30 minutes, volunteers will have the opportunity to work with two students either in Kindergarten or Grade 1.

If you are interested in volunteering for this program, a valid police clearance through the CBE is required. Interested volunteers are asked to please attend a Wee Reads training session on November 8th from 10:30am-11:30am or November 10th from 2:30pm-3:30pm. Both training sessions will be offered at Royal Oak School. If you are interested in attending, please contact Sandi Harrower at and RSVP by Monday evening, November 7th.


Sandi L. Harrower
Learning Leader/Resource Teacher
Royal Oak School
Calgary Board of Education 
t l 403-777-6279 ext. 2030

f l 403-777-6284

Sunday 6 November 2016

Items Requested

Our class will be undergoing a building project in the near future, so we are requesting the following items from home.  Please do not go out and purchase these, just keep an eye open for them in your recycle bin or on forgotten garage shelves!
      • Tin foil
      • Cardboard
      • Cardboard rolls (toilet paper, gift wrap, paper towel)
      • Masking tape
      • String
      • Clean plastic containers (yogurt)
      • Popsicle sticks
      • Skewers
      • Wire
      • Plasticine
      • Clay
      • Styrofoam cups/packing chips
      • Bubble wrap
      • Newspaper
      • Tin plates
      • Wool (no synthetics)
      • Anything else you think would make valuable building material!

SoundKreations Ticket Info

The ticket order form went home with students on Friday.  Please look for it in your child's backpack if you haven't seen it yet.  Tickets are organized by first-come, first-served, so please return the ticket request form promptly.  Please note that families can access only 2 tickets, and ALL people (even babies) require a ticket due to fire code regulations.

Wednesday 2 November 2016

Picture Order Reminder


DEADLINE – Thursday, November 3rd

Lifetouch picture order deadline is tomorrow – Thursday, November 3rd.  Please order online or send the orders with your child tomorrow! 
Thank you.

Royal Oak School

Time to Catch Up!!

We've started writing a persuasive paragraph, which we write when we want to change someone's mind about an opinion.  We used a hamburger picture to plan our paragraph.

We started dance on Monday.  We are doing hip hop (from New York), Bollywood (from India), and Latin dance (from South America).  There are lots of moves with our feet.  There will be an afternoon and evening performance on November 17th.  Watch for ticket information coming home on Friday.
Noah, Taryn, Lyla

In Art, we worked on a creature in the style of Pablo Picasso.  Last week we practiced one-point perspective drawing using a railroad and road.  These drawings began with a horizon line and a vanishing point.  Ask me how to draw this!
Sean, Peter

In math, we had to count all the pumpkin seeds in the jar.  We put the seeds in little cups and with a partner we counted them by 2's, 5's, or 10's.  We are now working on how many there are altogether. A skill we could practice at home is skip counting by 10's starting at any number between 100-999.
Holly, Hudson

The Remembrance Day Assembly is on November 10th at 10:30 if you would like to join us.  The song for us to practice at home is on Ms. Mann's blog.

Our Geode!