Monday 14 November 2016

For the week...

Picture retakes are tomorrow (Tuesday)!

SoundKreations performance is Thursday afternoon and evening.  There are extra tickets available - please watch for information about how to get those tomorrow!  If students aren't coming to the evening performance, please let Ms. Rutland know via email. (

Scholastic orders are due Friday!

In Math we started subtraction.  Subtraction is when you take away numbers and we are learning different strategies to solve problems.
Noah and Sophia M.

We are working on a persuasive writing piece on rebuilding Fort McMurray.  Please read my persuasive paragraph in google docs!

In inquiry we are learning about blue prints and structures of buildings.  We defined the words "function" and "design." We learned about different types of forces ( torsion, tension, shear, and compression).  We saw abbreviations in blueprints.  Ask us what we noticed in the blueprints!

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