Monday 28 November 2016

Math Update

Hello All!  Here is a boring old teacher update (instead of the interesting ones that the students contribute to!)

Today in math class we talked about "subitizing."  This is the ability to glance at a collection of objects and know how many there are - without needing to count.  As we played the math game "Pigs" students subitize the dots on the dice and should be able to add 2 dice in their heads.  If they are still counting on fingers then they should be practicing basic facts at home.  Play with your child and as you do, note the addition strategies they are using.  Have Fun!
The game goes like this:

1. First player rolls the dice.  They add up the totals on both dice to get their

2.  That player then decides whether to END THEIR TURN or ROLL

3. If they roll again they can add their new total to the total of their turn.  

4. The player can continue to roll again until.... 

 * They choose to pass the dice and end their turn.  Their points are
 "banked" at this point. 

 * A # 1 turns up on the dice which automatically ends their turn and
 deletes all points gained that turn!

 *** If 2 Number 1's turn up in one roll (Snakes eyes) it erases that  player's banked total too (you go back to zero) and ends their turn!

The WINNER is the first person to reach 100 points.

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