Monday 13 March 2017

Monday, March 13

Peter demonstrated the instrument he made at home today.  It is called a "Thumb Piano" and it is an African instrument.  You can change the pitch by sliding the popsicle sticks into different spots.

Story Groups
Check Iris for your child's video on their Pourquoi story.  We think we've got them all uploaded!  Please note that if your child was absent on the day their group had this station then there won't be a video for them.

Students are continuing to gather research about their World Heritage Site.  They can access a video from the links on the previous blog post, as well as LearnAlberta (sign in: LA06, password: 4105), or from a google search for information (under your supervision of course).  We will begin writing our information paragraphs this week in Google Docs.

We looked at some division strategies this afternoon.  We saw how the same strategies we used for multiplication can be used for division.  Students are also exploring how to break numbers apart by place value in order to divide.  Ask your child how they solved the division questions!

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